Necessary Trouble Revised: Part 3

Finally Lest talk about what happened to the Occupy Movement becuase its ideologies are still alive and well. Look no further than Bernie Sanders campaign uses the very same rhetoric from back in 2008 of breaking up the backs and taking back from the 1%. While there may not be a singular occupy movement any more the splinting of its focuses are still out there. And it wasnt just Bernie Sanders, Income inequality is a problem that all 2016 presidential candidates had to grapple with because they could no longer afford not to. And, in fact, it’s just one of a long list of legislative and political successes for which the Occupy movement can take credit. Inequality and the wealth gap are now core tenets of the Democratic platform, providing a frame for other measurable gains spurred by Occupy. Occupy may no longer be visible on the streets, but the gulf between the haves and the have-nots is still there, and growing. The Movement sparked minimum wage fast food workers to start the campaigen for a raising the minimum wage to something actually livable.Occupy also reshaped the U.S.-environmental movement, which had its rebirth in fall 2011 when 1,200 people were arrested in Washington, D.C., protesting the Keystone XL pipeline. As people gravitated to Occupy encampments, teach-ins, and demonstrations across the country, that energy easily transferred into the fight against climate change. Along with the more recently No DAPL protests was not only an environmental concern but a humanitarian disaster as well. The Anit Fracking portests can also be brought back to the Occupy Movements ideologies. Perhaps the biggest influence is the movements attention to the link between wealth and politics. Something that was perhaps the most talked about issue in the 2016 elections. Talk of repaying debts, hands in cookie jars and draining the swamps. The student loan crisis was first brought to national attention at Occupy protests.

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